I have been so convicted about something lately. All of my life I have heard that we live in the Bible belt of America. There are churches on every corner. In Conway alone there are more than 100 churches. I was blessed to grow up in a family who took me to church since birth. They told me about the love of Jesus. They told me about His saving grace. I grew up hearing and singing the good ole hymns. I had the opportunity to go to many church camps during my youth, and I loved the time spent there so much. I actually received Christ at Budd Creek Church Camp the summer I turned 14.
But here is the deal. I am now 31 years old. And I can honestly say that I have never in my life been witnessed to outside of church and my family. No one has ever talked to me about the love of Christ and His saving grace. How is that possible? I live in the Bible belt. Conway has over 100 churches.
Which has led me to the conviction. God just opened my eyes about this. Guess what? There are so many people around me almost daily who are headed to hell. Have I become so content with my walk with the Lord that I have forgotten about my neighbors, my friends, my family, the lady checking me out at Wal-Mart, the salesman at my front door? Are they headed to hell? Have I become so self-involved that I have forgotten about my commission from my Savior? It makes my heart hurt to think that I have passed up so many opportunities to share Christ's love and salvation with those around me.
If we live in the Bible belt, why do we not share His love? Why is there so much crime? Why are we not allowed to pray in school? Why are we made fun of for being a Christian? Why are so many teenage girls getting pregnant? Why are so many people on drugs? Why are the kids at school drinking alcohol as if there is nothing wrong with it? Why are the kids at school taking horrible pictures of themselves and texting them to their friends? Why do girls think its cool to kiss other girls?
...It's because we have forgotten what is important. We have forgotten that our purpose in this life as Christians is to share Christ's love. We are to witness not only with our words but with our lives. We are to always strive to bring glory to our Father. We must become less so that He becomes more. We must put ourselves aside. It's not about us, it's about Him. Selah.